旧笔记本通过自定义整合网卡驱动安装 ESXi 6.7.0 u1

考虑到大家很多人并不是我这款网卡,在这里贴出一个链接,其包含下面列出的网卡的驱动。使用方法跟下面正文的方法一样,只需要把网卡那部分替换成你需要的网卡驱动。下载时注意是 Direct Download links 下的 Offline Bundle of version XXX

  • net-e1000e: Obsolete - Driver for Intel I217/I218/82579LM/82574L
  • net-tulip: DECchip 21140 Ethernet driver (This driver allows running ESXi as a VM under Microsoft Hyper-V)
  • net55-r8168: Updated driver for Realtek 8168/8111/8411/8118 based NICs
  • net51-r8169: Adds the blacklisted ESXi 5.1 built-in net-r8169 driver back to ESXi 6.0
  • net51-sky2: Adds the blacklisted ESXi 5.1 built-in net-sky2 driver back to ESXi 6.0
  • net51-drivers: Deprecated - Adds all blacklisted ESXi 5.1 NIC drivers back to ESXi 6.0
  • net-atl1: Attansic/Atheros L1 Gigabit Ethernet driver
  • net-atl1e: Driver for Atheros(R) AR8121/AR8113/AR8114/AR8131/AR8132/AR8152 PCI-E Ethernet NICs
  • net-igb: Intel(R) Gigabit Ethernet Network Driver (modified to ignore invalid NVM checksums)
  • net-r8101: Realtek RTL8101E/RTL8102E driver
  • net-r8139too: Realtek RTL-8100/8101L/8139 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter Driver
  • net-skge: Driver for Marvell Yukon chipset and SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet Adapters

使用了10年的 Samsung 300e4a 笔记本,陆续升级到 10G RAM + 120G SSD + HD,现在换了新电脑后,觉得把它扔了实在可惜。于是在琢磨了身边人的各种利旧方案后,决定安装ESXi,以充分折腾。


  • 安装ESXi,便于安装各个小应用虚拟机,将10G内存划分干净;
  • 120G SSD只安装虚拟机系统磁盘也基本够用,将机械硬盘直通给其中一台虚拟机做NAS,初步决定为黑群晖。
  • 笔记本电池还能撑3、4个小时,UPS也有了!


  • 没有直接操作虚拟机的界面,只能用电脑或手机远程管理;
  • ESXi不支持无线网卡,只能插着网线使用;
  • 300e4a 使用网卡是 Realtek 8168E,ESXi 6.7.0 u1 没有驱动不能直接安装,但是ESXi 5.5是带这款网卡驱动的,所以要自定义安装镜像。

一、准备安装镜像(官方镜像中添加 r8168 驱动)


  • 设置 PowerShell 执行策略,以允许本地脚本执行,参考链接Set-ExecutionPolicy
PS> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
PS> Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI






PS> .\ESXi-Customizer-PS-v2.6.0.ps1 -help

This is ESXi-Customizer-PS Version 2.6.0 (visit https://ESXi-Customizer-PS.v-front.de for more information!)

   ESXi-Customizer-PS [-help] | [-izip <bundle> [-update]] [-sip] [-v67|-v65|-v60|-v55|-v51|-v50]
                                [-ozip] [-pkgDir <dir>] [-outDir <dir>] [-vft] [-dpt depot1[,...]]
                                [-load vib1[,...]] [-remove vib1[,...]] [-log <file>] [-ipname <name>]
                                [-ipdesc <desc>] [-ipvendor <vendor>] [-nsc] [-test]

Optional parameters:
   -help              : display this help
   -izip <bundle>     : use the VMware Offline bundle <bundle> as input instead of the Online depot
   -update            : only with -izip, updates a local bundle with an ESXi patch from the VMware Online depot,
                        combine this with the matching ESXi version selection switch
   -pkgDir <dir>      : local directory of Offline bundles and/or VIB files to add (if any, no default)
   -ozip              : output an Offline bundle instead of an installation ISO
   -outDir <dir>      : directory to store the customized ISO or Offline bundle (the default is the
                        script directory. If specified the log file will also be moved here.)
   -vft               : connect the V-Front Online depot
   -dpt depot1[,...]  : connect additional Online depots by URL or local Offline bundles by file name
   -load vib1[,...]   : load additional packages from connected depots or Offline bundles
   -remove vib1[,...] : remove named VIB packages from the custom Imageprofile
   -sip               : select an Imageprofile from the current list
                        (default = auto-select latest available standard profile)
   -v67 | -v65 | -v60 |
   -v55 | -v51 | -v50 : Use only ESXi 6.7/6.5/6.0/5.5/5.1/5.0 Imageprofiles as input, ignore other versions
   -nsc               : use -NoSignatureCheck with export
   -log <file>        : Use custom log file <file>
   -ipname <name>
   -ipdesc <desc>
   -ipvendor <vendor> : provide a name, description and/or vendor for the customized
                        Imageprofile (the default is derived from the cloned input Imageprofile)
   -test              : skip package download and image build (for testing)
  • 首先建议加入VMware 的 CEIP,当然不加入也可以,运行PowerCLI相关命令工具会出现警告。
PS> Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope User -ParticipateInCEIP $true
  • 现在生成自定义镜像:
PS> ./ESXi-Customizer-PS-v2.6.0.ps1 -izip update-from-esxi6.7-6.7_update01.zip -dpt net55-r8168-8.045a-napi-offline_bundle.zip -load net55-r8168


PS> ./ESXi-Customizer-PS-v2.6.0.ps1 -izip update-from-esxi6.7-6.7_update01.zip -dpt net55-r8168-8.045a-napi-offline_bundle.zip -load net55-r8168

This is ESXi-Customizer-PS Version 2.6.0 (visit https://ESXi-Customizer-PS.v-front.de for more information!)
(Call with -help for instructions)

Logging to C:\Users\Yang\AppData\Local\Temp\ESXi-Customizer-PS-8264.log ...

Running with PowerShell version 5.1 and VMware PowerCLI version

Adding base Offline bundle update-from-esxi6.7-6.7_update01.zip ... [OK]

Connecting additional depot net55-r8168-8.045a-napi-offline_bundle.zip ... [OK]

Getting Imageprofiles, please wait ... [OK]

Using Imageprofile ESXi-6.7.0-20181002001-standard ...
(dated 10/08/2018 10:26:44, AcceptanceLevel: PartnerSupported,
Updates ESXi 6.7 Image Profile-ESXi-6.7.0-20181002001-standard)

Load additional VIBs from Online depots ...
   Add VIB net55-r8168 8.045a-napi [New AcceptanceLevel: CommunitySupported] [OK, added]

Exporting the Imageprofile to 'D:\Temp\300e4a-esxi\ESXi-6.7.0-20181002001-standard-customized.iso'. Please be patient ...

All done.






二、300E4A 使用U盘安装 ESXi 6.7.0 u1


  • 用U盘启动后花屏
    我的 300E4A 用 ESXi 优盘启动后花屏,在恢复 CMOS 默认设置后,打开 AHCI,关闭UEFI特性后启动安装正常。原因没深究,估计还是跟电脑固件太老有关系。
  • 安装完 ESXi 后无限重启
    用上一步的方法安装完 ESXi 后,笔记本不能引导。当然啊,因为把 UEFI 特性给关了啊,在 CMOS 设置里打开UEFI特性就行了。
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