tackle the issue head on
“tackle the issue head on”意味着直接而勇敢地面对问题,不回避困难,直接解决问题。
这里的“tackle”是“处理”的意思,“head on”则是指“直接地”或“正面地”。
When faced with challenges at work, it's best to tackle the issue head on. 在工作中遇到挑战时,最好是直面问题解决问题。
The new mayor promised to tackle the city's crime problem as soon as he took office. 新市长承诺一上任就着手解决该市的犯罪问题。
In the debate, he faced his opponent's criticisms head on and provided strong counterarguments. 在辩论中,他直面对手的批评,并提供了有力的反驳。
I would tentatively suggest that
“我会暂时建议”(I would tentatively suggest that)这个表达是比较谨慎的,显示出你在给出建议时考虑了不确定性,也可能是在等待他人的反馈或共识。在书面和口语交流中都可以使用,尤其在需要表达谨慎态度的正式场合。
1. 当你提出一个观点或建议,但是并不完全确定,希望留出更改的余地时。
2. 当你想要委婉地提出建议,不希望听起来太强硬或肯定时。
3. 在讨论或分析中,当需要更多证据或信息来支持你的观点之前,你可以使用这个表达作为一个初步的判断。
I would tentatively suggest that we postpone the meeting until we have more data. 我暂时建议我们推迟会议,直到我们有更多数据。
I would tentatively suggest that this method may not be the most efficient way to tackle the problem. 我暂时建议这个方法可能不是解决问题最有效的方式。
off the mark
“off the mark”在英语中通常用来指某事或某人的判断、答案或射击没有达到预期的准确性或目标。换句话说,就是“不准确”、“错误”或“未达到标准”。
His guess was off the mark, and he didn't win the prize. 他的猜测不准确,没有赢得奖品。
The critic's comments about the movie were completely off the mark. 那位评论家关于电影的评论完全不对。
The archer's shot was off the mark, missing the bullseye. 射箭手的射击偏离了目标,没有射中靶心。