
一、 挂在嘴边的10句话

1.   Thank you. 谢谢

2.         No problem. 没事儿(谢啥)

3.         Of course. 应该的(分内事儿)

4.         You are welcome. 乐意效劳(愿意帮你)

5.         Sorry. 抱歉

6.         Excuse me. 不好意思……

7.         Hi my name is Tracy. 你好,我是Tracy。

8.         Hi Sophia , how are you? 你好吗,Sophia?

9.         I’m good, thank you, how are you? 我很好,谢谢,你好吧?

10.     Sounds good. 好的,可以,听起来不错。


11.      Time to wake up! 该起床了!

12.         Good morning! 早安 

13.         Did you sleep well?  睡得好吗? 

14.         Come and eat your breakfast. 快来吃早餐吧。

15.         Don't be picky about your food.  不要挑食。

16.         Wash your face and brush your teeth. 洗脸刷牙。 

17.         Daddy is leaving. Say goodbye. 爸爸要出门了,说再见。

18.         Let's get dressed.  来穿衣服吧。 

19.         What do you want to wear today? 今天你想穿什么呢?

20.     Let me comb your hair.  我来帮你梳头。 

21.     Did you put some lotion on your face? 你的脸上擦乳液了吗?

22.     Hurry up. Honey! You'll be late. 快点,宝贝!要迟到了。

23.     Here's the elevator. Let's get in. 电梯来了。我们进去吧。

24.     Push button one. 按一楼。

25.     Let's get out. 我们出去吧。 

26.     Have a nice day. 祝你有个美好的一天。

27.     Watch out for cars.  小心车子。 

28.     How was school today? 今天学校如何?

29.     Are you hungry?  你饿了吗?

30.     Go wash your hands. 去洗手。 

31.     Let's have a snack.  我们吃点心吧。

32.     Do you want some more? 还想要多吃点吗?

33.     Recess is over! 休息时间结束了。

34.     It's time to study! 该学习了!

35.     Sit properly.  坐好。 

36.     Do you have any homework?  你有作业吗?

37.     Are you done with your homework? 你作业做完了吗?

38.     Did you do well on your test?  考试考得好吗?

39.     What score did you get on the test? 你考了几分?

40.     Good job!  你做得很好! 

41.     Move back from the TV. 从电视那里往后退。

42.     Turn off the TV now.  现在关掉电视。

43.     Who made such a mess? 是谁弄得这么乱?

44.     Put your toys away. 把你的玩具收拾好。

45.     Are you sick?  你不舒服吗?

46.     Do you want to pee?  你要尿尿吗?

47.     Do you want to poop?  你要便便吗?

48.     Do you want me to hold you? 要我抱你吗?

49.     Give me a kiss!  亲一下! 

50.     Don't fight with your little brother/sister. 不要跟弟弟/妹妹打架。

51.     Don't hit your brother/sister. 不可以打弟弟/妹妹。

52.     Don't bother your sister. 不要打扰你的妹妹。

53.     Play nicely with your friends. 要跟朋友好好玩。

54.     Stop whining. 不要再嘀嘀咕咕了。

55.     Don't talk back!  不要顶嘴! 

56.     I'm sorry. Let's make up. 对不起。我们和好吧。

57.     Let me read you a story. 我来念个故事给你听。

58.     It's time to go to bed.  该睡觉了。 

59.     Good night! Sweet dreams! 晚安!祝你做个好梦!

60.     Don't forget that I love you.  不要忘记我爱你。

60.     Don't forget that I love you. 不要忘记我爱你。


61.   turn the handle and open the window 拧一下把手,打开窗户

62. leave the window open 让窗户开着

63. let in the fresh air 让清新空气进来

64. the mosquito net 防蚊网,纱窗

65. on the windowsill 在窗台上


66. a very soft, thick mattress 特别软特别厚的床垫

67. the matching sheets and pillowcases 配套的床单和枕套

68. The covers are heavy. 盖的东西很重

69. light covers 很轻的铺盖

70. a comforter made of goose down 一个鹅绒被

71. a light blanket 一条薄毯

72. sleep with two pillows 枕两个枕头

73. The pillowcases don’t match. 俩枕套不配套

74. a night stand 床头柜


75. set my alarm to go off at 6:20 把闹钟定在 6:20

76. keep the alarm at a low volume 把闹钟声音调低

77. set some classical music as alarm clock sound 把某个古典音乐设置成闹铃

78. set a song as alarm clock sound 把一首歌设置成闹铃声

79. turn my favorite song into ringtones 把我喜欢的歌曲转变为铃声

80. wake up to my favorite sound of music 在喜爱的音乐声中醒来

81. terrible buzzer 刺耳的闹铃

82. too jarring 太刺耳了

83. drive me nuts 让我发疯

84. The alarm clock went off. 闹钟响了。

85. It’s time to get up! 该起床了。

86. get up right away 马上起床

87. Wake up, sleepyhead! 醒醒,懒虫!

88. I’m still sleepy. 我还困着呢。

89. slept like a baby 睡得太香了

90. had a bad dream 做了个噩梦

91. really want to sleep some more 真想再睡一会儿

92. hit the snooze button 按“小睡”按钮

93. catch five more minutes to sleep 赖床多睡五分钟

94. get up and quickly get dressed 起床,赶快穿好衣服

95. a morning person 早起有精神的人

96. an early bird 早起有精神的人

97. an early riser 起床早的人

98. get up around 6:30 a.m. 大概 6:30 起床

99. wake up with the sun 日出而起,太阳一出来就醒了

100. a night owl 夜猫子

101. the worst part of the day 一天中最糟糕的时候


102. oral hygiene 口腔卫生

103. keep my mouth clean 保持口腔卫生

104. keep my mouth free of disease 保持口腔不生病

105. liquid gel toothpaste 液体牙膏

106. icy mint flavor 冰爽薄荷味

107. multi-benefit toothpaste 多效牙膏

108. blast whitening toothpaste 炫白牙膏

109. my gums are bleeding 我的牙龈流血

110. remove bad breath 消除口气

111. mouthwash 漱口水

112. kill the germs that cause bad breath 杀死导致口臭的细菌


113. pull the shower curtain aside 拉开浴帘

114. step into the tub 踏入浴缸

115. pull the curtain back 拉上浴帘

116. turn on both the hot and the cold water, looking for the perfect temperature 打开冷水和热


117. lather up with soap 涂抹肥皂

118. shampoo and conditioner 洗发水和护发素

119. put some shampoo in my hair 往头发上放一些洗发液

120. wash my hair every other day 隔天洗一次头

121. put on a shower cap 戴上浴帽

122. take bubble baths 洗泡泡浴

123. rinse and dry off 冲洗,擦干

124. mop the floor 拖地

125. keep the tub, the sink and the toilet clean 保持浴缸、水池和厕所干净


126. turn on the tap 打开水龙头

127. check the water temperature 试试水温

128. blackheads, acnes, and pimples 黑头,粉刺和痘痘

129. use face cleanser 用洗面奶

130. remove the blackheads and dirts 清除黑头和污垢

131. Never let my skin air dry. 决不让我的皮肤自然风干。

132. pat off water from my skin 拍掉脸上的水

133. apply my serum 涂抹精华液

134. apply my hydrating eye cream 涂抹保湿眼霜

135. hydrating ingredient 保湿成分

136. anti-wrinkle cream 抗皱霜

137. use a toner 用爽肤水

138. moisturized and tender 又湿又嫩


139. lather up with shaving cream 在脸部涂上剃须膏

140. an electric razor 电动剃须刀

141. hand razor 手动剃须刀

142. The razor shaves close enough. 这个刮刀刮得够干净。

143. rinse the razor 冲洗刀片

144. disposable blades 一次性刀片

145. use the towel to dry off my face 用毛巾擦干脸(男人)

146. hang the towel on the towel rack 把毛巾挂到毛巾架上

147. put some moisturizer on my face 往脸上涂点保湿霜(男人)


148. My hair is a mess. 我的头发乱糟糟的。

149. tidy my hair 梳理头发

150. a wide-toothed comb 宽齿儿梳子

151. My hair is fragile. 我头发特别容易断。

152. I want a ponytail. 我想扎个马尾辫。

153. I want a pigtail. 我想扎个小辫。


154. wet my hands 把手弄湿

155. apply the soap 用肥皂

156. lather up my hands 把手上涂满肥皂泡

157. rub my hands 搓手

158. rub them together with the soap 用手揉搓肥皂

159. rinse my hands 把手冲洗干净

160. wipe my hands on my pants 用裤子擦手

161. dry my hands with towel 用毛巾擦干手

162. keep my fingernails and toenails short and clean 保持手脚指甲干净整洁

163. clip my nails with nail clippers 用指甲刀剪指甲

164. look years younger 看上去年轻好几岁

165. The manicure makes my hands look years younger. 美甲让我的手看起来年轻好多年啊。

166. use moisturizing hand lotion 用点保湿护手霜

167. keep my hands moist 保持双手湿润


168. make-up 化妆

169. wear a lot of make-up 化浓妆

170. I don’t wear a lot of make-up to work. 我上班不化浓妆。

171. do my own make-up 自己化妆

172. I’m terrible at doing my own make-up. 我特别不擅长自己化妆。

173. put on a little blush 涂点腮红

174. a light colored lipstick 浅色口红

175. put on a light colored lipstick 涂点浅色唇膏

176. eye shadow 眼影

177. mascara and eye shadow 睫毛膏和眼影

178. skip the mascara and eye shadow 不用睫毛膏,不涂眼影

179. a delicate woman 一个精致女人

180. BB cream BB 霜

181. a built-in moisturizer 内含保湿成分

182. apply a BB bream 涂 BB 霜

183. a BB cream with a built-in moisturizer 内含保湿成分的 BB 霜

184. apply a BB cream with a built-in moisturizer 涂含有保湿成分的 BB 霜

185. under-eye circles 眼袋

186. hide under-eye circles 遮盖眼袋

187. blemishes and hyperpigmentation 瑕疵和暗沉

188. a concealer 一种遮瑕膏

189. hide under-eye circles, blemishes, and hyperpigmentation with a concealer 用遮瑕膏遮盖眼


190. apply foundation 打粉底

191. skin tone 皮肤的肤色

192. match my skin tone 匹配我的肤色

193. a foundation that matches my skin tone 一种匹配我肤色的粉底

194. loose translucent powder 透明散粉

195. lightly dust 轻轻拍打

196. lightly dust loose translucent powder 轻拍透明散粉

197. eyebrow pencil 眉笔

198. sparse areas 稀疏的区域

199. fill in sparse areas 填充稀疏的区域

200. use an eyebrow pencil to fill in sparse areas 用眼线笔把稀疏区域补一下

201. a well-defined arch 一个好看的拱形,眉形

202. create a well-defined arch 画个好看的眉形

203. neutral eye shadow 温和的眼影,素净的眼影

204. swipe an eye shadow 扫一下眼影

205. across eyelids 顺着眼睑

206. swipe a neutral eye shadow across your eyelids 沿着眼皮扫一下素净的眼影

207. upper lash line 上眼睑

208. apply eyeliner 画眼线

209. apply eyeliner on your upper lash line 沿着上眼睑画眼线

210. false eyelashes 假睫毛

211. apply false eyelashes 贴假睫毛

212. black or brown mascara 黑色或者褐色的睫毛膏

213. two coats of mascara 两层睫毛膏

214. apply mascara 涂抹睫毛膏

215. apply two coats of black or brown mascara 涂两层黑色或者褐色睫毛膏

216. lip liner 唇线、唇形

217. line your lips with a lip liner 用唇线笔画唇形

218. dab the color onto your lips 把唇膏涂到嘴唇上

219. use a brush to dab the color onto your lips 用唇膏刷把唇膏涂抹到唇上


220. skip breakfast 不吃早饭

221. have a brunch 吃午饭

222. have a decent breakfast 吃顿像样的早餐

223. put myself together 自己收拾利索

224. barely have enough time 几乎没有足够的时间

225. let alone 别提,不用提

226. I barely have enough time to put myself together in the mornings, let alone eat a decent

breakfast! 早上我连爬起来把自己收拾利索的时间都没有,更别提吃顿像样的早饭了。

227. grab a quick bite to eat 随便吃点东西

228. have a simple breakfast 吃顿简单的早饭

229. porridge and stuffed buns 粥和包子

230. It doesn’t take that much time. 这件事儿花不了那么多时间

231. a little planning 一点儿计划

232. It doesn’t take that much time with a little planning. 稍微做点计划,这件事儿花不了那


233. take my bowl and chopsticks to the sink 把我的碗筷拿到水池(中餐)

234. take my plate and silverware to the sink 把我的碟子和刀叉拿到水池(西餐)

235. put a little dish washing detergent on the sponge 在洗碗棉上放了一点洗洁精

236. scrub the dishes 刷洗盘子

237. rinse the dishes 冲洗盘子

238. leave them in the drying rack to dry 在干燥架上晾干


239. closet door 壁橱门

240. open up my closet door 打开壁橱门

241. look in my closet 在衣柜里找

242. a skirt and blouse 一条裙子和罩衫

243. look in my closet for a skirt and blouse to match 在衣柜里找一条裙子和罩衫搭配

244. dress shirts 礼服衬衫(比较正规的衬衫)

245. a pair of pants 一条裤子

246. a suit jacket 一件西装夹克

247. put on a pair of pants, a sweater, a suit jacket 穿上一条裤子,一件毛衣,一件西装夹克

248. color coordinating 配颜色

249. terrible at color coordinating 特别不会穿搭配色

250. shirt and pants match 衬衫和裤子很搭

251. wear a suit to work 穿套装上班

252. don't need to wear a suit to work 不需要穿套装上班

253. jeans and sweaters 牛仔裤和毛衣

254. wear jeans and sweaters to the office 穿牛仔裤和毛衣上班

255. wear a shirt and a coat outside 穿件衬衫,外头穿个外套

256. Do my trousers go with this shirt? 这裤子跟衬衫配吗?

257. put on a pair of pantyhose 穿上连裤袜

258. a pair of heels 一双高跟鞋

259. pick out a pair of heels and put them on 挑了一双高跟鞋穿

260. polish my shoes 擦好皮鞋


261. I was ready to go. 我准备走了。

262. put my cellphone and wallet in my pocket 把手机和钱包装进口袋

263. get my bag 拿上包

264. thermos bottle 保温杯

265. grab my thermos bottle 拿上保温杯

266. lock the door and then hurry to XX 锁上门,匆匆走到哪儿去(走到车子那里,公交站,


267. check myself in the mirror 照照镜子看看自己

268. make sure I look okay 确定自己收拾利索了

269. computer bag 电脑包

270. use my computer bag to hold my laptop and some necessities 用电脑包装电脑和一些必需

271. I’m usually running late. 我经常迟到


272. back seat 后座

273. throw my bag in the back seat 把包扔在后座上

274. get comfortable for my drive 调好舒服的驾驶座位

275. walk two blocks to the subway station 走两个红绿灯到地铁站

276. ride a Mobike to the subway station 骑摩拜单车到地铁站

277. subway smart card 地铁卡

278. swipe my card 刷卡

279. swipe my subway smart card to get through the turnstile 刷我的地铁卡过闸机

280. wait on the platform 在站台等着

281. wait on the platform for the first train 在站台上等第一辆车

282. hold onto a handrail 抓着扶手

283. transfer to a second train 换到第二辆地铁

284. go out of the exit 从出口出来

285. the place where I work 我上班的地方

286. get on the bus to the place where I work 上了开往我工作地点的公交车

287. half a block 半条街,半个红绿灯的距离

288. walk half a block to the building where I work 下车,走半条街到我上班的那栋楼

289. a long commute 一趟挺远的通勤;上下班路挺远的


290. go and call the elevator 去按一下电梯。

291. The elevator is going down 电梯下来了。

292. push the button 按按钮。

293. The elevator is here. 电梯来了。

294. Hold the elevator. 按钮让电梯停一下。

295. get on the elevator 进电梯

296. Wait until everyone gets off 等所有的人出来。.

297. Can you press the ninth floor? 你能按一下 9 楼吗?

298. It takes two minutes 花费两分钟

299. my work building 我上班的大楼

300. It takes two minutes to walk to my work building from the subway station 出了地铁走两分


301. check my hair in the mirror 在镜子里照照我的头发

302. wait for the lift 等电梯

303. I can check my hair in the mirror while I wait for the lift (elevator) 在等电梯的时候顺便可


304. the squashed lift 拥挤的电梯

305. the crowded subway 拥挤的地铁

306. The squashed lift is like the crowded subway; It’s not easy.挤电梯跟挤地铁一样不容易

307. breakfast, perfume and other odours 早餐味儿,香水味儿,和其他味儿

308. The lift is mixed with breakfast, perfume and other odours 电梯里有早餐味,香水味还有其


309. a really bad smell 真是难闻的味道

310. use fingerprint to sign in 用指纹打卡

311. the machine displays that 机器显示

312. one minute left before work 还差一分钟上班

313. The machine displays that there is one minute left before work 打卡器上显示还差一分钟到


314. I’m lucky that I’m not late. 还好没迟到


315. get to the office 到了办公室

316. my agenda 我的日程表

317. what I have on my agenda today 今天我日程表上有啥事儿

318. think about what I have on my agenda today 想我今天日程表上要办的事儿

319. sit down at my desk 坐在办公桌前

320. memos and papers 备忘录和文件

321. a stack of new memos and papers 一堆新的备忘录和文件

322. turn on my computer 打开电脑

323. head office 总部

324. a cubicle 一个工位隔断

325. share a cubicle with another employee 跟另外一个员工共用一个工位

326. quitting time 下班时间

327. the document on my desk 我桌子上的文档

328. Did anyone see the document on my desk? 有人看到我桌子上的文件了吗?

329. go on a business trip 出差

330. I'm going on a business trip next week. 我下周要出差。

331. Would you come to my office? 你能来一下我办公室吗?

332. I have a meeting in 5 minutes. 我 5 分钟后要开会 。

333. money in the budget 预算内的钱

334. this fiscal year 这个财政年度

335. don’t have enough money in the budget 预算内没这么多的钱

336. We don't have enough money in the budget for this fiscal year. 在这个财政年度中我们没


337. sit in my chair 坐在椅子上

338. The desk is a mess.办公桌真乱

339. The floor is dirty 地上脏

340. clean the floor 清洁地板

341. I haven’t cleaned the floor for a long time 我已经很久没有打扫卫生了

342. I need a broom.我需要一个扫把

343. office environment 办公环境

344. a clean and tidy office environment 一个干净整洁的办公环境

345. give me energy to work 给我工作的动力

346. Only looking at a clean and tidy office environment gives me the energy to work 看着干净整


347. What to do today? 今天应该干什么呢

348. write it down in a memo 在备忘录里记上

349. It's not easy to earn money. 赚钱并不是容易的事。

350. I was chewed out by my boss. 我被老板骂了一顿。

351. I spent all day being chewed out. 我被责备了一天。

352. quit the job 辞职

353. I guess I have to quit this job. 我觉得我应该辞职。

354. 9-to-5 routine 朝九晚五一成不变的生活

355. I am tried of the 9-to-5 routine. 我厌倦了朝九晚五的生活。

356. a rival company 一个竞争对手公司

357. offered me a job 给我提供了一个工作机会

358. A rival company offered me a job. 一个竞争公司为我提供了一个工作机会。

359. a workhorse 一个干苦力的

360. I feel like I'm a workhorse. 我觉得自己像一个做苦力的。

361. work overtime 加班

362. I have to work overtime tonight again. 我今天晚上又要加班了。

363. overtime work 加班工作

364. I'm sick of overtime work. 我对加班工作感到厌倦。

365. I feel so overloaded with meetings. 我开会已经开腻了。

366. keep our noses to the grindstone 让我们的鼻子冲着磨盘,像驴子一样拉磨,让我们不停


367. My company makes us keep our noses to the grindstone. 我的公司让我们不停的工作,


368. be paid extra for overtime 加班获得加班费,多拿钱

369. a paid vacation 带薪假期

370. Can I use a paid vacation? 我能用一个带薪假期吗?

371. working environment 工作环境

372. I wish our working environment would improve. 我希望我们的工作环境能有所提高。

373. The payday has already passed. 发薪水的日子已经过去了。

374. My company gives employees good benefits. 我们公司为员工提供很好的福利。


375. lunch hour 午餐时间

376. bring my lunch with me to work 带饭上班

377. go across the street for some take-out 到街对面买点外带

378. order takeout foods online 在网上订外卖

379. a few friends from work 几个关系不错的同事

380. go out to lunch with a few friends from work 和几个关系不错的同事一起出去吃午饭

381. have lunch with my supervisor 跟我的头儿一起吃午餐

382. split the check AA 付账

383. get off work 下班

384. at 12 punctually 12 点准时

385. get off work at 12:00 punctually 12 点准时下班

386. meals in the canteen 食堂的饭菜

387. new kinds of meals 新菜

388. There are some new kinds of meals in the canteen 公司食堂今天有什么新菜

389. What would I like to eat?我想吃点啥?

390. What would I like to eat for lunch?午饭我想吃点什么?

391. a portion of rice 一份米饭

392. tomato and egg soup 西红柿鸡蛋汤

393. I want a portion of rice and tomato and egg soup. 我想吃份米饭,再来一个西红柿鸡蛋汤

394. too much oil 太多的油

395. There's too much oil in the soup. 汤里油太多了

396. It doesn't have any flavour. 这个寡淡无味

397. It seems that they forgot to put salt in this soup.似乎他们忘了往汤里放盐

398. I have no appetite for anything.没什么胃口

399. I shouldn't eat any snacks before meals.我不应该吃那么多零食的

400. My eyes are always bigger than my stomach.我总是眼大肚子小

401. eat up the rice 把米饭吃光

402. It's bad to waste food.浪费粮食不好

403. a doggy bag 打包袋 (回家给狗吃)

404. to-go box 打包盒

405. ask for a doggy bag 要一个打包袋

406. I'd better ask for a doggy bag.剩下的打个包带走吧

407. feel sleepy after lunch 吃饱饭就觉得很困

408. go to office to have a nap 回办公室小憩


409. make a stop on my way home 回家的路上要去个地儿

410. stop by the market 顺道去趟市场

411. pick up a cart 推个手推车

412. pick up some vegetables and fruits 拿些蔬菜和水果

413. cooked foods 熟食

414. checkout stands 收款站

415. the cashier 收银员

416. get through the line pretty quickly 很快结完账

417. push my cart to my car 把手推车推到我的车那里

418. open the trunk and load everything up 打开后备箱,把所有东西装进去

419. put away the groceries 把买的日杂物品放起来


420. kitchen counter 灶台

421. clean off the kitchen counter 收拾干净厨房灶台

422. rice cooker 电饭煲

423. rinse 1 cup rice 洗了一杯米

424. rinse 1 cup rice and put it with water in the rice cooker 洗了一碗米,加水放在电饭煲里

425. chop onions, gingers and garlics 切葱姜蒜

426. the chopped vegetables 切好的蔬菜

427. heat the oil 加热油

428. add the chopped vegetables 加入切好的蔬菜

429. stir fry 煸炒

430. add salt to taste 加点盐入味

431. stir fry till cooked 煸炒熟

432. fry chopped tofu in oil 用油煎豆腐

433. season with salt 用盐调味

434. The chicken is cooked through. 鸡熟透了

435. cook until the chicken is cooked through 把鸡烧到熟透了

436. boil some soup 煮点汤

437. set the table 摆好桌子

438. sit down at the table 坐在桌旁

439. talk about our long day 说说这一整天发生的事儿

440. sit down at the table and talk about our long day 坐下吃饭,聊聊这一整天的事儿


441. do the dishes 洗碗

442. help out 帮忙

443. dry the dishes 弄干碗碟,烘干碗碟

444. help out by drying them 帮忙烘干

445. some of the leftovers 一些剩下的饭菜

446. put some of the leftovers in a container 把剩下的放在密封盒里

447. do a little cleaning 打扫打扫卫生

448. take out a rag 拿出一块抹布

449. dust the living room 清扫客厅

450. take out a rag and start dusting the living room 拿出一块抹布开始打扫起居室

451. dust the lamps 清理灯上的灰尘

452. wipe the table 擦桌子

453. the rug looks filthy 地毯看上去脏兮兮的

454. vacuum the rug 给地毯吸尘

455. pick up around the room 在房间里把散乱的东西捡好

456. put things away 把东西放好在固定的位置

457. pick up around the room and put things away 在房间里收拾东西,放好

458. The bathroom needs cleaning. 浴室需要打扫。

459. scrub the sink 洗刷水池

460. kitchen garbage 厨余垃圾

461. take the kitchen garbage out 把厨余垃圾拿出去

462. recycling bins 垃圾桶

463. dump the recycling bins 倒垃圾桶

464. wipe the floor 擦地板

465. sweep the floor 扫地

466. wipe the room with a rag 用抹布擦房间

467. wipe after sweeping 先扫之后再擦

468. use the vacuum before we wipe the floor 我们在擦地之前,要先用吸尘器吸过

469. help me clean the room 帮我打扫房间

470. get me the rag 帮我拿抹布


471. sit down on the couch 坐在沙发上

472. chill out 歇歇

473. sit down on the couch to chill out 坐在沙发上歇会儿/放松放松

474. thumb through a magazine 翻翻杂志

475. read a novel 看小说

476. watch reality shows 看真人秀

477. watch all of the commercials 看广告

478. turn the sound down 把音量放低

479. put down the remote 放下遥控板

480. clean underwear 干净的短裤

481. take clean underwear, pajama to go to the bathroom 拿着干净的短裤,睡衣去浴室


482. turn on the shower 打开花洒

483. check the water temperature 试了试水温

484. It feels just right. 水温刚好

485. The water rushes down on me. 水冲在身体上。

486. It’s really comfortable as the water rushes down on me 水冲在身上真是好舒服

487. pour shampoo on my hand 倒点洗发露在手上

488. foam the shampoo 把洗发露打出泡沫

489. rub the shampoo foam in my hair 用洗发露泡沫搓洗头发

490. pour shampoo on my hand and foam it to rub in my hair 把洗发水倒在手上搓出泡沫抹到


491. This shampoo smells fruity. 这个洗发露闻起来是果香的

492. use the washcloth 用洗澡巾

493. Shampoo gets in my eyes 洗发露进我眼睛了

494. get the washcloth and wipe my eyes 找到毛巾把眼睛擦干净

495. finished the shower 洗完澡了

496. bath ball 沐浴球

497. clean all over 全身清洗干净

498. It makes me feel good after I have cleaned all over. 全身干干净净的感觉真好

499. I smell sweet. 我闻起来香喷喷的

500. need to dry my hair 要把头发弄干

501. sleep with wet hair 头发湿着睡觉

502. I may get a headache easily if I sleep with my wet hair 头发太湿睡觉容易头疼


503. take off my make-up 卸妆

504. get ready for bed 准备睡觉

505. get undressed 脱衣服

506. go into my bedroom and get undressed 走到我的卧室,把衣服脱了

507. put the dirty clothes in the hamper 把脏衣服放进篮子里

508. put on my pajamas 穿上睡衣

509. go to the bathroom before going to bed 睡觉之前先上厕所

510. pull back the covers 拉开被子

511. check my alarm to make sure it's on 检查一下闹钟,确保上好了

512. lay down 躺下

513. have the same ritual every night 每晚做一个同样的仪式

514. read a bedtime story 读个睡前故事

515. have the same ritual every night: read a bedtime story 每个晚上有个同样的仪式:读个睡


516. get a glass of water 拿一杯水

517. put a glass of water next to the bed 放一杯水在床头

518. put a glass of water next to the bed in case I need it during the night.放一杯水在床头,万一


519. get a glass of water and put it by the bed in case I need it during the night 拿杯水放在床边,


520. fluff my pillow 抖松枕头

521. turn off the overhead light 关掉顶灯

522. nod off right away 很快就打瞌睡了


523. My head is killing me 我头疼的厉害

524. have a sore throat 喉咙疼

525. the room which has air conditioning 空调房

526. stay too long in the room which has air conditioning 空调屋呆了太久

527. take some medicine 吃点药

528. feel exhausted 觉得精疲力竭

529. have a fever 发高烧了

530. Maybe I have a high temperature 我可能发烧了

531. You look ill. 你看起来生病了

532. You need to see a doctor.你需要去看医生

533. caught a cold 感冒了

534. It’s just a little cold.只是一点感冒而已

535. I'll get better soon 很快就会好的

536. There’s no need to worry! 你不用太担心!

537. Let me take your temperature. 我来给你量下体温吧

538. The temperature just taken is 38 degrees. 我的体温已经 38 度了

539. I don't want to go to the hospital. 我不想去医院

540. The doctor will give me a shot! 医生会给我打针的!

541. go to the hospital, dizzily 头昏脑胀地去医院

542. feel cold 觉得浑身发冷

543. I don't want to have some shots. 我不想打针

544. I can't stand the pain.我怕疼

545. This injection helps to bring down the fever quickly. 打针有助于很快退烧

546. The injection hurts me 打针真疼啊

547. The injection really hurts me and I cry out loud. 针扎进去的时候好疼,我大叫了一声

548. go to the pharmacy to have medicine 去药房拿药

549. medicine for a cold 治感冒的药

550. before meals or after meals 饭前服还是饭前服

551. three times a day 一天三次

552. two pills at a time 一次两粒


553. addicted to internet games 沉迷于网游

554. play internet games non-stop for two hours 连续玩了两个小时的电脑游戏了

555. keep tapping on the keyboard 一直敲着键盘

556. spend too much time in front of screen 在屏幕前花了很长时间

557. stop and go to sleep 停下来了去睡觉


558. add a new contact 加一个新联系人

559. scan QR code 扫二维码

560. official account 公众号

561. subscribe to an official account 关注公众号,官方账号

562. post my moments 发个朋友圈

563. go into a group chat 进入群聊

564. click the “sound symbol” 点语音按钮

565. send a voice message 发送语音消息

566. heavily monitored by the government 受到政府严格监管

567. show your unique QR Code to other people 向别人展示你自己独有的二维码

568. scan your QR Code to add you to their contacts 扫描你的二维码,把你添加到他们的联系


569. connect with people 跟人们保持联系

570. profile picture 头像图片

571. share news or a funny article 分享新闻或有趣的文章

572. share your real-time location with others 跟别人分享你的时时位置

573. take 15–20 second mini videos 拍摄 15-20 秒小视频

574. When you type in“miss you,”you will see stars falling. 输入“我想你”,你会看到星星坠

575. a rain of hongbao 红包雨

576. animated expressions 动画表情

577. free stickers 免费表情包

578. send a smiling face on a message 在信息里发个笑脸

579. send a crying face 发个哭脸

580. use emoticons while chatting 聊天中使用表情包

581. send lucky money 发红包

582. give out red envelopes 发红包

583. at every possible occasion 在任何可能的场合

584. give out red envelopes at every possible occasion 在任何可能的场合发红包

585. give out red envelopes as gifts 在任何可能的场合发红包

586. transfer money to others 给别人转账

587. the traditional lucky red envelope 传统上的红包

588. go digital 数码化了,网络化了

589. The traditional lucky red envelope goes digital. 传统的红包网络化了。

590. grab lucky money 抢红包

591. get the random amounts of money 拿到不同随机金额的钱

592. pure luck and great fun 纯属碰运气,特别有意思


593. Alipay is so convenient.支付宝真是太方便了

594. transfer accounts through Alipay 通过支付宝转账

595. connect a bank account to Alipay 绑定银行卡到支付宝

596. It’s easier than a bank ATM.比银行的 ATM 都方便

597. sweep the code to make the payment 扫码支付

598. no need to carry a purse 不用带钱包

599. no trouble in finding change 不用找零的麻烦

600. click the Pay button, and a barcode appeared 点开了付钱按钮,出现一个条形码

601. infrared scanner 红外线扫描仪

602. put my phone on the infrared scanner 手机放到了红外线扫描仪上

603. Ding, Alipay prompts me that I have paid .滴的一声,支付宝提示我付费成功

604. pulled 50 bucks off my bank card 从我的银行卡里扣掉了 50 元


605. bike share system 单车共享体系

606. a sharing bike 一辆共享单车

607. 1 buck an hour 每个小时 1 块钱

608. use a bike for short city trips 市内短途骑单车

609. download a bike sharing app 下载一个共享单车 app

610. pay a deposit of 299 yuan 支付 299 元的押金

611. locate where you are 定位你所在的地方

612. The system will automatically locate where you are.系统会自动定位到我所在的位置

613. check how many sharing bikes nearby 检测我的附近有多少辆共享单车

614. sweep the code to unlock it 扫码开锁

615. save energy 节约能源

616. reduce emissions 减少排放

617. cycling helps save energy and reduce emissions 骑自行车有助于节能减排

618. aerobic activity 有氧活动


619. pick-up location 上车地点

620. drop-off location 下车地点

621. enter pick-up location 输入上车地点

622. enter drop-off location 输入下车地点

623. input your pick-up and drop-off location 输入上车和下车地点

624. The app has a GPS system. APP 有定位

625. the license plate 车牌

626. pay attention to the license plate number 注意车牌号码

627. normal taxi-hailing service 常见的打车服务

628. private driver service 私家车服务

629. The option for private cars comes first on the tabs. 信息栏显示的第一栏是私家车快车选项

630. The option for normal taxis comes second on the tabs. 信息栏显示的第二栏是常规的出租车

631. a rough estimate 大概估计

632. how much the journey is likely to cost 旅途大概花费多少钱

633. The app will show a rough estimate on how much the journey is likely to cost. APP 会显示大


634. call a taxi on behalf of someone 替别人叫车

635. fill in all the information 填写全部信息

636. Your request will be sent out 你的请求被发出

637. A driver picks up your request. 一个司机抢了你的单,接受了你的请求

638. The screen is updated in real time 屏幕实时更新

639. The screen will be updated with the name of the driver and the license plate.屏幕更新显示


640. how far the driver is from you 司机离你多远

641. approximately how many minutes it'll take the driver to get to you 大概多少分钟司机能到


642. the map will show the driver's location in real time 地图上将实时显示司机的位置

643. a car pool option 一个拼车的选项

644. combine journeys and pick other passengers along the same route 把行程拼一起,顺路接


645. pay in cash 现金支付

646. reach your destination 到达目的地

647. online payment service 在线支付服务

648. Alipay or WeChat wallet 支付宝或微信钱包

649. link an online payment service to your account - either Alipay, WeChat Wallet or your bank

card 把在线支付服务链接到你的账户,支付宝,微信或者银行卡

650. offer invoices on the spot 当场给发票

651. electronic invoices 电子发票

652. get the invoices delivered to you 要求发票快递给你

653. You don't have to wait so long 你不用等很久

654. It saves me a lot of time. 真是节省了我不少时间

655. Didi is China’s Uber. 滴滴是中国的 Uber.

656. Didi acquired Uber’s China business. 滴滴收购了 Uber 的中国业务。

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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 38,397评论 2 309
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 38,099评论 2 314
